Our Purpose

The purpose of a congregation is to glorify God by conducting public corporate worship, bringing the lost to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, building them up in the Christian faith, preparing them for Christian service, and putting that preparation into action.
To this end, our Vision for the future of Scots Kirk is as follows:
- We will be a biblically based reformed church.
- We will have time for focused intentional prayer.
- Leadership will be cohesive and communicate effectively.
- We will be authentic disciples of Christ.
- We will be intentional and appropriate with our discipleship.
- We will have a congregation with a majority of the members actively participating in ministry.
- We will be a loving and vibrant church family.
- We will be known as a welcoming congregation.
- We will be appropriately staffed for our ministries and will be training new leaders.
- We will work with others to expand His Kingdom.
- We will be known for discipling youth.
- We will have all the facilities we need to accomplish our mission.
- We will be growing in faith and numbers.
- We will be financially sound due to spirit of Christian giving.
- We will support and participate in missions.